Tuesday 10 December 2013

Final Product

Beneath is my finished front cover(left) and contents page(right). Whilst I was making those pages I have realized that the final outcome did not match fully with my draft layouts that I created, but I was aware of that from the start as the draft was there to help me position everything roughly in similar places and made sure that I haven't forgotten about anything that had to be on the page.

Front cover:  The front cover was really easy to work with because the background for the cover was the actual picture. Firstly I have opened my image in Photoshop and inserted my title with the font 'Trajan Pro'. I have added the oasis logo on the left side of the title and decreased the opacity. And finally I have inserted any other pictures from my area that I wanted to use as counter images with the cover lines, as well as adding the bar code and a date just above it. Finally, I added the rest of the text for the cover lines. The most important cover lines are either highlighted, or are bold and have a larger font to stand out.  

Contents page: This was slightly harder to figure out at first as a Photoshop amateur because this time I didn't have a photo to work on top with, so I did some research and asked my teacher what the size of an A4 dimension would be in Photoshop. Once I have found out, I opened up a new page and set the dimensions to 210 x 297 mm, that way I had a blank page to work on top on. Firstly I added a rectangular shape to almost the top of the page, leaving some space in between because I liked the effect. I have then added the title of the page which is 'contents' so that people know what page they are on. The font that I used for this title was 'Bodoni MT' and I have changed the font colour to white as it really stands out from the darker background.
Next, I have added the oasis logo again, but this time I have set it as the whole background for the page, so that way the contents page won't be plain white. Once again I have set the opacity of the logo to be low so that it would be easy for me to work on top of it.
Once I have done that, I created three sections to the page 'features', 'entertainment' and 'exclusive'. This puts all of the content into groups where it will be easier for the readers to find what they are in the mood to read about. Each cover line has a page number at the beginning in red so that the audience know where to find the article, but it also sections the sentences out so it is easier to read one by one. Lastly, I have inserted the images from my area and put them to the right side of the page. Each image is relevant to one of the articles mentioned on the page.

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