Final image for front cover

Below is the picture that I have chosen from the photo-shoot which I will use for my front cover. I have chosen this specific picture because there is a direct mode of address coming from the student in the picture and she is holding books which are very visible in the photograph, which represents what school is all about. However the main reason for my choice of this image is because there is enough space for the rest of the front cover conventions such as a big/bold title, cover lines, graphics or bar code. This will give me the freedom to add good quality content to the front cover.

I thought that the original image is pretty good to work with straight away, however I have opened it up in Photoshop to see if slight changes will make it better. Below, picture number 1 shows that I have brightened up the student's face and did some slight touch-ups to her face; however, I wasn't happy with the outcome due to the light reflecting from the glasses and the whole image looking a little too exposed to the light.

Picture number 2 was taken from the original image but I have edited the background so it would be brighter. I liked the outcome of this effect more and it was really hard for me to choose which picture I should use as my final one, but I have decided to ask a few people's opinion and the original picture has won the vote.


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