Saturday 30 November 2013

Title and content ideas

Following my layout drafts, I have started to put my product together by choosing a title for my magazine. Doing a mind-map works best to express all my opinions and thoughts, but is also visible so I can keep track of what I have already said. Choosing my final title took a few days as I wanted my final decision to be good. So from all of the keyword search and looking into what other titles look like, I decided to choose "Allegro" With the meaning (quick tempo). I think it is very easy to remember; an appropriate name for a magazine because of its length and its relevant  because it is a music-related key word.

Here are my content ideas. Again, learning from my preliminary task, I know that it is good to do a plan of everything that will be included in the product, because if there is no plan, once the time comes to making the magazine, you can get stuck because it's hard to think of what to include in the magazine to make it right and relevant. Therefore, I have once again completed a mind-map to store my ideas in, and another situation that happens often is that from these content ideas, I might use all of the ideas or I might use barely any, however, this is a great way to start as it is a big amount of supplies when it comes to writing up all the content and the rest of the text. In other words, it is the base of your work in order to make the product successful and make sense.
The content ideas used here is based on my research and made it relevant to my music genre of my magazine in a way that I chose the right celebrities to write about or relevant events that are happening, that my audience would be interested in.

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