Thursday 5 December 2013

Research - Genre of music

The first topic I chose to base my questionnaire on was genre. Since I will be creating a music magazine, I need to have a focus group/genre to target a bigger population of people not only to help my sales, but also to appeal to a bigger audience. So I have asked many people in my community including students and teachers in school as well as my family and friends outside of school to see what the different responses were.
I have then stored my responses in an excel document and created a bar chart based on the answers and we can clearly see that the most popular genre of music that people like is pop, so I will base my music magazine on pop music, however I may include other genres that came close to the winning genre to satisfy a bigger audience.
The results that I got from the questionnaire were:
Pop = 40 people voted
Rock = 18 people voted
Hip-Hop = 15 people voted
Classical = 11 people voted
Other = 10 people voted
Metal = 6 people voted


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