Thursday 5 December 2013

Research into content, genre and price

This is my second questionnaire that I have carried out to find out more about my audience and how to make my magazine more appealing to them. The reason why I chose to ask about the content that people are interested in when reading a music magazine is because I want them to look forward to every issue and be able to read about what they truly want to read about. This will help me prepare my articles to the most wanted category.
Here are the following results that I got from the questionnaire:
Music = 35 people voted
Interviews = 28 people voted
News = 19 people voted
Gossip = 15 people voted
Overall I will base most of my articles on music and interviews, however because all of the results are quite high, I will include all of the categories in moderation but linked to music. The one thing that I might eliminate partially is gossip as it got the lowest vote.

Genre of music
The first topic I chose to base my questionnaire on was genre. Since I will be creating a music magazine, I need to have a focus group/genre to target a bigger population of people not only to help my sales, but also to appeal to a bigger audience. So I have asked many people in my community including students and teachers in school as well as my family and friends outside of school to see what the different responses were.
I have then stored my responses in an excel document and created a bar chart based on the answers and we can clearly see that the most popular genre of music that people like is pop, so I will base my music magazine on pop music, however I may include other genres that came close to the winning genre to satisfy a bigger audience.

The results that I got from the questionnaire were:
Pop = 40 people voted
Rock = 18 people voted
Hip-Hop = 15 people voted
Classical = 11 people voted
Other = 10 people voted
Metal = 6 people voted
In order to find out how much people are willing to pay for the magazine, I needed to carry out a questionnaire so I can further consider my final pricing for the magazine. here are my results:

£1-£2 = 22 people voted
under £1 = 18 people voted
£2-£3 = 6 people voted
£3.50 or over = 4 people voted

Although "under £1" is a popular vote, the "£1-£2" option has won the vote therefore I am going to consider the price to be either £1.50 or £2. This is a cheap price for a magazine as some even go up to £5-£6.

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